make money online with pay perclick advertising.

How to improve your PPC campaigns every day?

Add new keywords.
Use keyword planning tools to find relevant keywords to your topic at hand. If you have the budget, it doesn't hurt to cast your net a little wider at first.

Choosing proper match types.
Let's say you are running a kite and kite supplies store. You want to drive traffic to your kite strings so that people can either fix old kites or get flashy with their new kites! Well, gee, that's simple... just advertise for the words: Kite Strings.

What match type? Because of my budget I typically started most things with broad match. And then using the search terms report I would start segmenting off the higher traffic words into their own keywords so I could report on and bid on them separately. However, I would typically leave the broad match terms active. I was only able to do that because of...

Negative keywords.
In conjunction with moving the higher volume words into their own keywords, I would start to add negative keywords for search terms that are irrelevant.

Next, I would take a look at day and hour parting / bid fluctuations. Do kite strings sell better closer to the weekend? Maybe we bid higher between Thursday and Saturday, lower between Sunday and Monday, and normal between Tuesday and Wednesday. On Sunday, maybe our traffic quality is abysmal between noon and midnight and we just turn off traffic.

Creative optimization
Always be testing new ads. Just because Ad B converts 20% better than Ad A doesn't mean that an Ad C doesn't exist that could convert another 20% better than Ad B! Always. Be. Comparing. (It's like the ABC of sales :P)

Try new copy. Use different unique selling propositions (USPs) in the copy. Play with dynamic keyword insertion. Try different landing pages for the ads.

This deserves it's own question so I won't dig into it too deeply. But above I mentioned try different landing pages for creatives... which means develop new landing pages :) Make LPs that are consistent with the USP from the creative.

Ad placement optimization
Being ranked 1st isn't always better, but sometimes it is. Find the sweet spot for you. I've had success in positions ranging from 1-5, so ignore anyone that tells you the "right" position to shoot for. Find out the right position for your search terms, creatives, and website.

I think that's a good place to get started. Let me know if you have any follow up questions or feedback!



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How to improve your PPC campaigns every day?